m series 4000 water cooler

It’s Hot. It’s Cold. It’s Ambient.

The M SERIES functions both as an effective and attractive unit in a corporate setting as well as a tough and resilient workhorse in more demanding environments.

Boasting a sleek design, onboard SMART technology for remote monitoring, and touch free dispense, the M series is the only hydration station you will need.

M Series 4000 Bottleless Water Cooler By Artesian

Specifications and Features

Weight 64 lbs
Dimensions 18”w x 15.25”d x 54.5”h
Dispense Area 12″
Cold Tank Capacity 1.2 gallons
Ambient Tank Capacity 2.5 gallons
Hot Tank Capacity .5 gallons
Water Production Rate 150 gallons/day


64 lbs


18″w x 15.25″d x 54.5″h

Dispense Area


Cold Tank Capacity

1.2 gallons

Hot Tank Capacity

.5 gallons

Water Production Rate

150 gallons/day

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delicious water, always on demand!

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